Friday 31 May 2013

Wah Chang

While looking around for reference pics for the Romulan Bird Of Prey, I dug out this book, a book i'd not looked at in a LONG while:

Wow - had totally forgotten what a great book it is - devoted to the initial sketches and designs for ships, props and costumes of the original series, with tons of excellently clear colour photos of all.
There's also sections devoted to creative folk who worked on the show, and the favourite person there for me is the creator of the Bird Of Prey, Wah Chang.
A terribly over-looked artistic genius, the gentleman was responsible of some of the most creative and imaginative designs seen in fantasy films and TV shows of the 50's & 60's.
His film work alone makes him God-like: Disneys Pinocchio & Bambi, Tarantula, The Black Scorpion, The Time Machine, Jack The Giant Killer, Cleopatra and one of my favourite films from that time, The Seven Faces Of Dr Lao:

If that wasn't fantastic enough, he was also the driving force behind tellys Outer Limits:

And, to me, THE most memorable creations for Star Trek:

An incredible man.

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