Had a great fun the last couple of days putting the ink washes on the beastie:

I'm trying to keep a sense of continuity with all my Tyranids, with them all having the same colour scheme as my very first one of them, the Malanthrope:

Trouble is each time to remember just how i did that one. But i've stumbled on it - mixes of Tamiya Clear Green and Red, with some Games Workshop inks thrown in too.
Trouble with all that is that you're left with a VERY glossy model - sort of approaching Danbury Mint in shininess.
So a coat of Matt Varnish is needed.
After that, you can see i've finished the tongue, blocked in the armour areas with "Catacan Green", based the teeth, and done the eyes in the same way for all of my figures of this race - "Hawk Turquoise":
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