Popped up to London to see this yesterday. Had great fun and there was plenty to buy, but only came away with the UFO Technical Manual (wonder why?) and the Hammer book (never really mentioned here as they don't fit in, but always been a MASSIVE fan of the studios), both from the publishers stall for 60% off.
Which was nice.
Plenty of Celebs there and it was interesting to gauge who's popular by the length of their queues and how much they charge for autographs.
A bonus was meeting up with Ken Colley. I've known him for a few years now, starting with seeing him on a train one day, thinking "That's Admiral Piett", going across and having a chat. It came up in conversation how i was a Cinema Projectionist and he sounded me out on my site maybe premiering his first film he'd directed.
Anyway, it became a bizarro situation where we did indeed premiere it, with TV and radio coverage and me becoming his PR Guy for the project, taking calls on me mobile from Admiral Piett practically every day.
Here you go with a pic of Ken, me and Priscilla, one of my Projection team on the day.
Back to the show and the highlight was the amount of folk attending in costume. Top notch stuff, especially the brilliant efforts from the R2D2 Builders Club.
Some things i learnt:
You can never have enough Colonial Marines,
bright pink for Clone Trooper armour doesn't really work,
David Tennant Who outfits are still popular,
only Matt Smith can pull off the look,
don't be Batman if you're under 6 foot,
don't be Bobba Fett if you're on the portly side,
the girl who plays Galactica's Starbuck is TINY,
Terminator 3's T3 is drop dead gorgeous in the flesh,
the Batman Begins Batmobile is SO much more impressive up close,
what works in an Anime doesn't always work in the real world.
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