Sunday 27 May 2012

General Blackblood - life-size

Ha! Just stumbled on this pic of me and the good General over on the FTVMC Facebbok site. That's when i took him down to a modelshow in Newhaven and he won one of the category's. I don't own him any more, selling him to my friend Ian - who runs the Dredd/2000AD Blog listed at the bottom of this page, and he doesn't look like that any more as Ian chose to strip him down and repaint him in the Clint Langely/gun metal livery (you might find shots of what he looks like now on there). Anyway, this is how i painted him and its interesting to see, something like 7 or 8 years down the line, how my colour choice has remained the same, even down to the red band i plan on putting on the smaller version

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