Saturday 17 August 2013

Star Wars Rebel Transport

Went round to my friend Mark's for a natter this morning - and came away with the Rebel Transport ship from the old Airfix/MPC Rebel Base set that came out back when "Empire" first hit cinemas.
I've always loved the design in the film and loved the model in the really rather naff otherwise model kit.
I had one when it first came out but that's long gone, and have had a hankering to buy the kit again to have one again, but couldn't justify owning the rubbish X-Wings and totally out of scale ground grw/Snow Speeders/Walkers that also came with it.
So, thanks to friend Mark - and friend Alun who gave it to him - for stopping me needing the whole darn thing to get the one craft.
It's built and filled and the top half is in a glossy cream.
Looking at it compared to the studio model, its pretty darn close - the basic shape is there and the panelling's nice and the engine's are good (even with internal ribbed detail that'll never, ever be seen but its does fall down on the underside. The cargo pods are well done and some of the detail is good, but there's a whole bunch that isn't - why put on clock dial in there?????

After priming:

I departed from my usual method and have started the metallics first - its going to be difficult to pick out the side areas and some of the underside after painting the hulls, so done them first. I'm not dry brushing too much as I don't want the naff detail to be too apparent:


Alun said...

Ha! Good to see that coming up for light again. It was really thrown together all those years.

Alun said...

Ago...seems to be missing off the end of that!